¿Who are we?

Washington Christian University

It is an international institution of Higher Education, framed in the area of organizational development, dedicated to the promotion, growth, development and training of human potential, as an active element to achieve professional and business excellence.


Washington Christian University is developed through various projects, participating in academic, scientific and business activities, as well as cooperation, development and economic growth, thanks to its link with companies and professional institutions around the world, to offer a world-class education with a strategic and globalized vision, respecting local identities.

Maqueta Frontal del centro de convenciones Washington Christian University

Front Model of the Washington Christian University Convention Center

Washington Christian University aims to open its doors to students from all corners of the planet, especially the Hispanic American market, where it has proposed to provide strong and committed support to institutions in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia, among others, to contribute substantially to the sustained and permanent development of many professionals and leaders of the continent.


Washington Christian University, promotes scenarios that allow them to be agents of transformation of human capital, recognized nationally and internationally for the excellence of their management, the quality of the facilitators and the high competitiveness achieved by the participants


It involves interactive exposition of experts, study and evaluation of typical problems, activities focused on andragogic processes, self-management of objectives, shared goals, cooperative, productive teamwork and case analysis.


WCU seeks the axiological interaction of man with the business world, unifying science, art and technology with the social and natural, to the point of achieving a different way of thinking, acting and feeling, in order to face the reality of the continent and the world.


Under this philosophy, each participant establishes their career plan and contributes their experience, is nourished by the guidance of the facilitator and their peers, forming in each class session a true opportunity for learning and professional growth.